baby tuck


Baby-Tuck-GIRL-blog_0001 Let's put it this way: these are still my only two boys in the family. Baby Tuck is a healthy baby GIRL! What did you think it was? : )


As of spring next year, the dogs will no longer outnumber the humans in our growing family. That's right! That's not (entirely) a "food baby" you see. : ) Baby Tuck is 15 weeks old today, and we couldn't be happier to share our news with everyone! It's been a long, challenging year and a half, one that has changed us forever and made us stronger as individuals and a couple. No one ever tells you how hard this whole process is ... (at least before the delivery room and the changing station). As our OB told us in a moment of levity, it's amazing this process ever works! But, with the hard days behind us ever in our hearts and minds, we're so excited to only be looking forward ... to all the exciting things that this baby has in store for us. Belly-14wks5dys-0001-webBelly-14wks5dys-0002-webOf course, our "first" babies are just as excited too. Looking ahead, I've promised them just as much blog exposure as Baby Tuck. : )


And as a final note: please let this serve as a pseudo-explanation for my recent reduction in blog activity. The first trimester wasn't so conducive to work productivity. : ) Can't wait to share more with y'all soon!