Cary North Carolina family photography

The Bayless + Russell Families // Cary, NC Family Photographer

Still catching up on my editing! I photographed these ADORABLE cousins and their parents last fall in Philly. These families are so dear to me, and I feel privileged to capture the budding personalities of these kiddos as they grow older.

The Irvine-Byrne Family // Cary, NC Family Photographer

Another special family for y’all today!!! And continuing with my trend of playing catch up…from 2019. : ) I’ve known this crew for a very long time. Some of my oldest and best friends. They are warm, kind, fun, hilarious, giving and so special to me. I’m so glad we only live minutes away from each other! And I’m always happy and honored when they ask me to photograph them. We did a few portraits in downtown Cary during peak fall color. Love you guys and look how liiiiiittle C is!

The Hughes Family // Raleigh, NC Family Photographer

Here is another family that I love! The Hughes have been dear friends of ours since, well, forever. Whenever I have a mama’s-only hang with Nicole, my husband always jokes that I “stole” his friend because they did meet before we did. And to that, I always say, thanks husband for introducing me to one of my best friends. : ) At the end of 2019, I met up with them at the NCMA art park for a few family portraits.

The Bayless Family // Cary, NC Family Photographer

Here’s another session I did back in 2019 of one of my favorite families! Because I haven’t blogged in so long, I know I’m taking a lot of parents by surprise by posting photos of their kids that are 2+ years old. But these sessions are just too cute not to share!

Bayless crew, I dig you guys. You know how much I love getting y’all in front of my camera and spending time together. Enjoy your trip down memory lane! ;)

The Lunsford Family // Cary, NC Family Photographer

Happy LOVE day, all! I have the sweetest fam to share with you guys today. I took these pictures over two years ago (TOLD YA I WAS CATCHING UP!), so their kiddos look nothing like this anymore, haha. Anne-Laure and Dal, I hope these memories make you guys smile today. I know I can’t stop grinning, thinking of all the laughs we had that day. I always have so much fun photographing y’all. Can’t wait to catch up soon!