The Russell Family // Cary, NC Family Photographer

I’m continuing to play catch up from 2019 and all of these photos put the biggest smile on my face! This is another family that is near and dear to my heart. I shot Bernadette and Casey’s wedding when we lived in Maryland (so many years ago!). I met B while studying abroad in Australia, and our friendship has survived (and thrived!) even though many states are now between us. And these kiddos (along with the ones from my previous post of the Bayless fam) are my little buddies. I love hanging with them. You’ll see (at the end) that we got some cousin shots, which are my favorites. : )

The Bayless Family // Cary, NC Family Photographer

Here’s another session I did back in 2019 of one of my favorite families! Because I haven’t blogged in so long, I know I’m taking a lot of parents by surprise by posting photos of their kids that are 2+ years old. But these sessions are just too cute not to share!

Bayless crew, I dig you guys. You know how much I love getting y’all in front of my camera and spending time together. Enjoy your trip down memory lane! ;)

The Lunsford Family // Cary, NC Family Photographer

Happy LOVE day, all! I have the sweetest fam to share with you guys today. I took these pictures over two years ago (TOLD YA I WAS CATCHING UP!), so their kiddos look nothing like this anymore, haha. Anne-Laure and Dal, I hope these memories make you guys smile today. I know I can’t stop grinning, thinking of all the laughs we had that day. I always have so much fun photographing y’all. Can’t wait to catch up soon!

Asa: Baby // Washington, D.C. Baby Photographer

Here is another lovely (mini) session that I've been meaning to share. I'm lucky to photograph this family in so many stages of their life. Meet the newest little bub: Asa! His big sisters adore him. : ) (Side note: we missed having Dad, Kurt, at this session, who was out of town.)

Karson + Colin Expecting // Frederick, Maryland Maternity Photographer

I had the honor of shooting my sis-in-love's maternity portraits yesterday at Rose Hill Manor Park, and I couldn't wait to share a few. Kars and Colin (and baby nephew Pax!), it was an honor and privilege. xoxo.