

I don't know what it is about this image that makes me love it. Maybe it's that Susie is so graceful. Maybe it's the way the light hits her veil. Maybe it's because I know she's looking at her soon-to-be husband off to the side. Regardless of the reason(s), I love it. Susie made such a beautiful bride. I'm currently finishing up editing her and Sean's wedding, which will land on the blog early next week. Until then, happy weekend friends!

Edited with VSCO.


Lauren is another bride I had the pleasure of photographing even though I wasn't available to shoot her wedding. She got married last weekend so I can share some of my favorites! Even though the fields were flooded the morning of our shoot, the light was gorgeous by the afternoon, and we tip-toed around in the mud. : ) Congrats and hope you're having a wonderful time on your honeymoon!